I Belong to the Sea
© Shilpa Sandesh, 19/06/2014 Immersed in endless thoughts, This mind has become a wanderer; These eyes search for light of peace, In the widespread sea ahead. The fragrance of its waters, That lingers around me, Makes me crave more, To be at the sea. From North to South, And from West to East, To sail across the oceans, Steadily, without any heist. Oh deepest depths, My heart lies with you; I miss that rage of the sea, Its tumultuous waters And the lightening struck sky; And I miss, The islands, one after the other, Losing myself into their unique beauty; And I miss The seagulls flying past, And the tunas swimming On either sides of the ship; At times the school of whales, Far at a distance, Or the pretty dolphins, In their playful self; And I miss Exploring the distant lands, Their varied cultures and people, Interesting languages and ethnicities; And I miss The restlessness to reach some land, Having sailed for days together, And that restl...