Gresham and Senobar

(c) Shilpa Sandesh

Monotonous at heart,
And with a soulless self,
She stepped forth,
On the city grounds;

Days elapsed
Like any other day,
Moments were lost,
in the winds and waves;

And one fine day,
A leaf broke away,
And rapped at her door;
Least did she know,
It wasn't the leaf,
But the gates opening,
To the esplanade of love;

Oh Senobar!
He said,
My breathes are entwined with yours,
My heart embraces your spirit,
You are my reason to smile,
Together we shall walk,
A thousand miles;

Reluctant but wishful,
Stepping back,
But stepping forth,
Senobar held Gresham's hands,
And shed the tears,
Those shimmering drops,
Filled with hope and fear;

Oh Senobar!
You've won my soul,
With you I am whole,
In the mystic lands,
We shall escape,
And over the seas of love,
And happiness covered capes,
Four fruits of love,
We both would raise!

And so the winds,
Changed their course,
Their destinies met,
It was a moment of metamorphose,
Blissful and euphoric,
Jouissance broke away ,
From ill fate's bars,
And Gresham and Senobar,
Were together forever!


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