Who is a Poet?

A raising tumult, A burning rage, The inner self so fierce , As a ranting devil, Trapped in a cage; A tranquil self, A reposed heart, A mind at ease, Like a huntsman aiming, patiently his dart; Dewy eyes, Piqued soul, Used to the core, Saturated with hurt, Wounded and sore; A wandering mind, Curious with visions, Breaking all bounds, Of fascination And passion; A Poet is but, Seasons personified, Imaginations glorified, Senses untethered, Keeper of Ever blooming blossoms, And never ending despair; A warrior, With an ink filled sword, Splattering the words, Of joy and glum; Like you, Like him, Like her, I am a Poet, And a day would be, My last, Forgotten I would be, But the ink in my words, Would be, Forever! (c) S.S