Her Eyes And The World's
(c) Shilpa Sandesh
Frolicsome always,
Carefree and brash,
Reckless and shoddy,
And a playful heart,
The world might see him,
As a casual or nonchalant self,
But those are the eyes,
Covered with a veil,
Masked with hypocrisy,
silhouettes plastered,
By the flouncing facades
Shrouded by swank;
But her eyes,
are those blessed ones,
Charmed with a peek,
Into that beautiful heart,
A heart,
So compassionate and genial,
Soft and placid,
A face ever smiling,
Beaming with joy,
Sheathing all the anguish,
Cloaking all the tears;
Her heart filled ,
With an unconditional love
"It's love that speaks for you,
Don't mistake it,
To be sympathy!
Meaning of this life,
Now clears,
I would stand with you,
In sorrows and in happiness,
Together we would conquer,
The odds that be,
And life would ,
No more be a pity!"