This is Where She is Meant to Be!

 © Shilpa Sandesh,

Those dungeons of sorrow,
And the darkness of ill fate,
The fowl whiff of burning hopes,
And those blazing hollow lands;
Exhausted and stressed,
Trying arduously to strut,
Her destiny drags her back.

What are those glittering somethings?
She espied some glimmers,
How happy must she be!
Running breathlessly,
Hastening wheezily,
To get hold of,
those glistening objects.

She perceived them to be,
the stars of happiness,
Least did she know,
Those were the memories,
the remnants of which lay scattered;
The impressions so beguiling,
So beauteous,
So gleaming,
That even the pieces,
lay twinkling all over!

'Oh! Where are you?'
Says she,
'Hold my hand'
She pleaded,
'Pull me out of this fury'
She cried,
But her voice was unheard.

Repressed and downtrodden,
by her destiny,
She laughed hysterically,
'I am no princess,
and there is no Savior,
No prince of the distant lands,
Would come to rescue me
This fiery land is my home,
This is where I am meant to be!'


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