She is The Hyacinth !

(c) Shilpa Sandesh

4. a.m
She wakes up,
unquiet and bewildered,
Fidgety and asphyxiate;

Her mind delving,
In some unsettled,
Puzzled contemplation,
An exasperation,
Vexatious and maddening,
A hustle bustle
Of undefined notions,
Fostering a chaos,
A furore in her inner self;

And she finds solace,
In the beautiful Hyacinths,
Floating upon,
A solitary pond,
The dew drops resting,
On the brilliant greens;

Incited is her soul,
At this cheering sight,
To keep afloat,
Her boat of life,
Upon the seas,
With storms of setbacks,
And whirls of misfortune;

As her eyes glance
Her soul hums:
"I am the Hyacinth,
Hyacinth is me,
I will survive,
Whatever my fate brings."


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