Your Beloved for Life, Your Beloved in Death
Your dove is what you have named me,
Your pearl and your flower,
You adorned my soul with your pristine verses,
And I stood exalted and honored,
I shall take all ridicule,
I shall take your wrath,
I shall swallow your resentment,
Your exasperated rage,
But listen Oh Man of the God,
I would be forever,
The dove of your cage,
A cage built with your love,
Your divine embrace,
Where I shall proudly belong, if you let me,
Where I shall breathe and I shall age,
Where I shall die in peace,
For it would be your hands that shall offer,
The first spadefuls of sand,
As buried shall be my casket,
Wherein I would rest, as your beloved for life,
And your beloved in death....
(c) S.S
Your pearl and your flower,
You adorned my soul with your pristine verses,
And I stood exalted and honored,
I shall take all ridicule,
I shall take your wrath,
I shall swallow your resentment,
Your exasperated rage,
But listen Oh Man of the God,
I would be forever,
The dove of your cage,
A cage built with your love,
Your divine embrace,
Where I shall proudly belong, if you let me,
Where I shall breathe and I shall age,
Where I shall die in peace,
For it would be your hands that shall offer,
The first spadefuls of sand,
As buried shall be my casket,
Wherein I would rest, as your beloved for life,
And your beloved in death....
(c) S.S