If ever there was, a love so fateful, A beginning so delightful, An end , so unpleasant and awful, It was then, of Orpheus and Eurydice, It is said that none could resist, the splendor of the divine notes, that cropped when his fingers danced, upon the Lyre's strings, Orpheus, the son of Apollo and Calliope, ruled the senses of everything, the trees, the winds, the kings and the beasts, all would be mesmerized, by his mellifluous tunes, The one for whom all elements bowed eternally, Fell for the grace of Eurydice, She who's justice broadens universally, She, who was a classical melange of beauty and allure, The two were tied in a marital bliss, But the winds whispered that something was amiss, As appeared Hymen, to bless the alliance, his predictions stunned all, it brought a deafening silence, "Oh Gods of love, grant mercy from above, this marriage that wears, a cape of exquisiteness, is destined to bear, the blows of frightful cons...