
In the distant woods of Aberdeen,
Lived a fairy named 'Why-so-Keen',
always curious, nosy and peeping,
She was turning snoopy and creeping,

"Why do the butterflies have colorful wings?
How does a Cuckoo so sweetly sings?
Why shall only Lion be the Jungle's king?
What gives the scorpions their stingy stings?"

But least did she know,
that during the days of winter and snow,
A fat grumpy bear called  Bubbly Beeps,
Goes into a very long sleep,

Came the winters and chilly were the winds,
all lay frozen from front till hind,
But Why-so-Keen was very baffled,
Bubbly Beep's sleep, had left her muffled,

She flew to the cave where the bear was in dreams,
But looking at the darkness, she gave a loud scream!
Oh but she didn't know, bear's hate to get awoken,
It was the time, when they go in hibernation,

Bubbly Beep roared, and woke up angrily,
Why-so-Keen shivered, and then smiled questioningly,
With an eyebrow raised and a hilarious look,
"What are you, a flying little crook?"

"Are you the big bear who stays hungry for so long?
How do you still look so big and strong?
Why were you sleeping since so many days?
Do you ever see the morning Sun rays?
Do you store food in that big fat tummy?

Roarrrrrrrrrrrrrr, begged the angry bear,

"Let me sleep or I'll call my mommy!"

(c) S.S


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