Wedding Of The Souls
(c) Shilpa Sandesh
Years have passed,
Seasons bygone,
In benumbing winters,
And the zealous summers ,
They searched and searched,
Their souls' rightful owners;
The moment sprung,
One fine day,
The two met,
Magic and Poetry,
And the path was laid,
For their holy walk;
Flowers were sheathed,
For the divine aisle,
Where demons and Gods,
And the spirits stood,
Blessings treasured,
For countless years,
Were showered upon,
The two souls;
The Moon was the priest,
Who united the hearts,
Which fluttered for long,
In the pangs and stings,
In throes and twinge;
The Poesy said,
To her beloved soul
"My search Oh seer,
Ends here,
I was on a quest,
Frisked here and there,
Here you stood,
Casting your spell,
Bound I am now,
To walk along,
Whether a stride
In the alluring heaven
Or a tread,
In the thorny hell"!
Years have passed,
Seasons bygone,
In benumbing winters,
And the zealous summers ,
They searched and searched,
Their souls' rightful owners;
The moment sprung,
One fine day,
The two met,
Magic and Poetry,
And the path was laid,
For their holy walk;
Flowers were sheathed,
For the divine aisle,
Where demons and Gods,
And the spirits stood,
Blessings treasured,
For countless years,
Were showered upon,
The two souls;
The Moon was the priest,
Who united the hearts,
Which fluttered for long,
In the pangs and stings,
In throes and twinge;
The Poesy said,
To her beloved soul
"My search Oh seer,
Ends here,
I was on a quest,
Frisked here and there,
Here you stood,
Casting your spell,
Bound I am now,
To walk along,
Whether a stride
In the alluring heaven
Or a tread,
In the thorny hell"!