The Spring's felicity, came and passed,
The summers too were swiftly lost,
Now the autumn, fitfully knocks,
Only to be wayward in a haste,
But what never tires and leave,
is a constant inexplicable grief,
Continually mocking and poking,
Leaving the heart, spiritlessly stiff,
with undesirable haunting,
And so I mark each day, in my calendar,
with a Zero,
It politely reminds me, of all the past blunders.....
(c) S.S
The summers too were swiftly lost,
Now the autumn, fitfully knocks,
Only to be wayward in a haste,
But what never tires and leave,
is a constant inexplicable grief,
Continually mocking and poking,
Leaving the heart, spiritlessly stiff,
with undesirable haunting,
And so I mark each day, in my calendar,
with a Zero,
It politely reminds me, of all the past blunders.....
(c) S.S