(c) Shilpa Sandesh Walking on the grass, Embellished, By the winter morning's dew, I feel the tickles beneath my feet, Stepping forth past the greens, November's orange and golden sheen, I hear the faint notes, A flute, Melodiousness enhancing with every stride, Like rumination lifting my soul, Upon the divine highs, And there, Emerging from the seraphic haze, Midst the heaven's snowflakes, I see you, Like an angel, Sent by the almighty, For me, And a tear flows down my right eye, Like thanking you for being there, For having sought me, While I am still breathing, "Come forth, Personifying a cherubic medley, A fusion of conjurer and seraph, You are the One, The One I have awaited all along, I have sung an unpenned song, A song that I hum now, Welcoming my wizard for lives, It be a song with no lyrics, No music of it's own, But yet, It is the sweetest song, Because my archangel, It's notes arise from You and I, Where the to...