The Immortal Incandescence

(c) Shilpa Sandesh

Afloat in the stream of breaths,
Are the aquatics called wishes, dreams and desires,
I see amidst these waters of mirth,
A chest of ecstasy and countless promises;

I swam across the oceans and seas,
With the fishes of sorrows and joys,
Agonizing and pleasant were the life's torrents,
And one fine night, I found the casket of solace;

With no lock and no key,
I wondered what the mystery be!,
And so I held it closer to my lips,
And opened it with a kiss;

A brilliant effulgence,
A golden radiance,
And you appeared,
The fate's esoteric haze cleared;

I ask for no happiness,
No material exuberance I seek,
I count on an uncomplicated love,
Which be an immortal incandescence..........


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