(c) Shilpa Sandesh Heartache.... Catastrophe, miseries, Tribulations, Exuberance, Elation, vivacity, Merriment, A journey, I sustained, From far away to far away, I wrote twinge, afflictions, And heap of throes; An excursion that began, when I first opened my eyes, And soon a whirl it was, A ride from pampers and coddles, To false attractions and falser desires; An angel watched, From far afield earth, I had read about the God sent, They have eyes like gems, A smile like Messiah's, Sacrosanct expressions, And cherubic accent; I wondered, "Who be the blessed ones, Whom the angel would meet?" Least did I know, My ride of hitch and spins, Was turning into a joyride, Of supreme grace, For, The angel, You, found me, And glorified I am, As I look into your eyes, Your divine glare permeates the whole of me, And drink the expressions, Of your ethereal face, And, My quest ends at you........