And the Two Drops Shall Be One.......
(c) Shilpa Sandesh
We have been that drop,
Which once traversed,
with the other drops,
Into the caravan of love angels,
Flowing from galaxies to galaxies,
In the vast universe;
But there was one more Satan,
And we, the drop, was split,
And thrown into the two hemispheres;
Only we know what it is to yearn,
For we are one body one soul,
Without eachother, we aren't whole;
A day there shall be,
That moment shall be,
When the two drops,
Shall again be One.........
We have been that drop,
Which once traversed,
with the other drops,
Into the caravan of love angels,
Flowing from galaxies to galaxies,
In the vast universe;
But there was one more Satan,
And we, the drop, was split,
And thrown into the two hemispheres;
Only we know what it is to yearn,
For we are one body one soul,
Without eachother, we aren't whole;
A day there shall be,
That moment shall be,
When the two drops,
Shall again be One.........